Legendary voice actress Nobuyo Oyama, who voices Doraemon and Monokuma in the Dangan Ronpa franchise, is suffering from dementia, her husband Keisuke Sagawa said. Sagawa said on Ousawa Yuuri no Yuu Yuu Wide that Oyama’s condition has deteriorated such that she is unable to reliably retain short-term memory.
In 2008 Oyama suffered a cerebral infarction, which is a
type of stroke resulting from a blockage in the blood vessels that
supply blood to the brain. While Oyama began to exhibit symptoms of
dementia some time ago, her husband ascribed the symptoms to the
after-effects of the cerebral infarction.
78-year-old Oyama currently resides in her home where she
is taken care of by her husband, her manager and their housekeeper. She
has started to recognize her own illness, with alternating periods of
lucidity and non-lucidity. Her agency, Actors Seven, has stated Oyama’s
first priority is the recovery of her strength before returning to the
public and her work, though with a diagnosis like dementia a return to
work remains uncertain.
Oyama voiced the title character of Doraemon for decades,
from 1979 to 2005. Her voice is considered as iconic and recognizable to
generations of Japanese adults and children as the voice of Big Bird on
Sesame Street might be to Americans. Her most recent role has been as the voice of Monokuma in the Dangan Ronpa video game series and TV adaptation. The producers and creators of Dangan Ronpa
dreamed that Oyama would voice the malevolent yet cuddly bear creature
due to the iconic nature of her voice, which would cause an effect on
Japanese players who grew up with her which could not be replicated by
any other actress.
Oyama sang the opening theme song for Doraemon, “Doraemon no Uta,” as well as the second opening theme for Dangan Ronpa The Animation, “Monokuma Ondo.”
Also earlier this year, the distinctive Hong Kong voice of Doraemon, Lam Pou-Chouen, died at age 63. He had been the Hong Kong voice of Doraemon for over 20 years, aside from a brief hiatus in the late 80s/early 90s.
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